Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Creating a Template for Dolphin 7.1

Hey all,

I am back!

Took a while off the blogging and freelance dolphin developing world to take on a new gig in China.

At any rate, here I am. I thought I would start with a couple Dolphin Tutorials on customizing your Dolphin web site.

Here is the first one (Part One: Create a Dolphin Template) where I just introduce the basics and get you headed in the right direction. While you're playing with that I'll be putting together part two of build a dolphin template for you.

Make sure you check out the tutorial I did on fixing that birthdate problem in dolphin community. Although that one might go out of date rather fast when the boys at Boonex add the fix to the next build of the Dolphin Community Software.

Happy community building!

As always if you have any questions or issues with a Dolphin community get in touch through here or my Dolphin Community Youtube Channel
